Nadav and Yaffy Newman arrived at the Bar-Ilan campus from Jerusalem with their son Pe’er Yisrael. They have lived in 2 countries and have backpacked a smidge in Europe and a lot in South America. Between them they are passionate about woodworking, learning from others, travel and having guests over! They care deeply about the future of Jews all over the world and strongly believe in the need of community and supporting that actively.
Nadav was born and raised in Maale Adumim, Israel. He studied at Yeshivat Bnei David Eli for a couple years before and after going off to the IDF where he served in an elite combat unit as a solider, commander and then officer for over 4 years. He is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Machon Lev while studying in Mizrachi’s Musmachim Smicha program. Nadav loves playing & watching spots and watching documentaries.
Yaffy hails from Hollywood, Florida where she lived for the first 18 years of her life until moving to Israel. She studied Gemara and philosophy at Nishmat before doing Sheirut Leumi at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in both the surgery and then maternity wards. She worked at the RRG Beit Midrash program at Hebrew University as admin and running chaburot. And most recently was the Eim Bayit at Michlelet Mevasseret Yerushalayim (MMY). Yaffy is a big fan of any type of novel and photography.
Originally from Toronto, Canada, Rav Tzvi spent 3 years serving as the JLIC Rabbi at Rutgers University with his wife Tali before returning to Israel with their four daughters. They were then directors of JLIC Mizrachi in Givat Shmuel and Bar Ilan for 4 years. Rav Tzvi is the Senior Rabbi and now runs all Torah programming and minyan-related activities. Teaching and learning Torah with young olim who live in Givat Shmuel or study in Bar Ilan feels like a continuation of the values instilled in him from a young age.
Meet Keren and Uriel, the JLIC student couple at Bar Ilan University. Uriel, from Efrat with time spent in Canada, studies law and social work. Keren, with roots in New York, Israel, and France, pursues a degree in business and HR. The couple lives on campus with their son Noam, where they serve as community leaders and welcome other students into their home.